Tasked by a zoo director with transporting a Greater Kudu from the United States to Chile, we sought a cost-effective solution for this unique journey.

Relocating a Greater Kudu across continents

At the request of a zoo director, we embarked on the mission to help transport an eight-month-old greater kudu named Linus to join a breeding programme at a conservation centre in Chile. While the client typically relies on commercial airlines for animal transportation, Linus’ crate was too large to load into the lower deck of a commercial aircraft. We set about tailoring a swift and cost-effective solution to get Linus to his final destination.

Our Solution

Route: Memphis > Miami > Santiago

Aircraft: Boeing 767 (Memphis - Miami)
               Boeing 747 (Miami - Santiago)

Our team reached out to operators and secured space on a scheduled service from Memphis to Miami that could accommodate Linus’ crate. Given the early morning departure, our strategy involved having Linus in Miami the night before to allow for a restful break before continuing his voyage.

We sourced a Boeing 767 in Memphis with availability for an air charter to Miami, arranging for Linus to be transported by road to the departure airport. His crate was carefully removed from the trailer and loaded onto the aircraft using a forklift and high loader, ensuring his comfort throughout.

Upon arrival in Miami, Linus was transferred to a USDA-approved facility for an overnight stay, ensuring compliance with regulations. The following morning, he was chauffeured back to the airport and boarded a Boeing 747 bound for Chile.

The Finer Details

Flight Representation: Our broker, together with the Director and Veterinarian, accompanied Linus throughout his journey, ensuring he was handled smoothly and remained comfortable during transit. 

24/7 Communication: We maintained daily contact with the client and operator, handling any queries and providing regular progress updates.

Complete Travel Solutions: Offering comprehensive travel solutions, our cargo team and travel consultants coordinated air travel, ground transfers, and accommodation, streamlining the entire process for the client's convenience.


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